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            Columbus hops

            Release time:2022-02-19 10:07    Views

            Columbus hops

            Columbus is an American premium formic hop. Usually used as a bitter flower; It is extremely high in hop oil and has a strong aroma, especially citrus, which is added at the end of the boil when brewed in barrel.

            Columbus, Tomahawk, Zeus, all high formic hop, synthetic CZ.

            Chromatographic analysis showed that Columbus and Tomahawk were the same species, and Zeus and the other two were so similar that they were almost impossible to tell apart in the finished beer.

            High in formic acid and high in hop oil, they swept through the United States like a hurricane from the moment they were developed, becoming the most widely grown species in the United States.

            Columbus storage slightly poor, suitable for large-scale production; As a fragrant flower, it is used in the brewing of American IPA, American pale wormwood, Shitao, barley wine and lager. There are a lot of Columbus Single Hop IPAs in the Columbus region.


            Conventional indicators

            Alpha acid


            Beta acid


            The ketone of humulus scandens


            The total oil


            The aroma components



            Humulus scandens ene




            Fanny ene


            Other indicators



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